With all States and Territories gradually opening their borders, it is a timely reminder to
remain vigilant when it comes to fighting the spread of COVID-19.
Dial-A-Doctor is committed to protecting its patients, doctors and staff and continue to be
COVID-19 safe by ensuring the following is adhered to:
Daily temperature checks for all doctors, staff and visitors
Cleansing of all vehicles and equipment before and after use, including handles and steering wheels
Offer telehealth to patients we believe may have been in contact with a confirmed case or recently returned from interstate or overseas
Equip our teams with masks and gloves for use where appropriate
Work from home option for those who can
To help us help you, follow these simple steps to protect yourself and our community:
Keep at least 1.5 metres or two arms lengths from each other
Avoiding physical greetings such as handshaking, hugs, and kisses
Using tap and pay instead of cash
Avoid large public gatherings and places where there are lots of people. Visit places at quieter times, or if you arrive and it is busy, leave and come back when the crowds have reduced
Do not visit others if they are unwell
Wash Your Hands – Keeping your hands clean is the best way to get rid of germs. Make sure you wash your hands often with soap and warm water, or an alcohol-based rub (hand sanitiser).
Cover Coughs and Sneezes – It is important that you use disposable tissues rather than your hands or a handkerchief when you cough or sneeze. Cover coughs and sneezes with a tissue or use your inner elbow. Put the tissue into a closed top bin as soon as possible. Then wash your hands.
Stay Home – If you are sick, stay home.
Keep Surfaces Clean – Clean your home and work surfaces regularly to help get rid of germs. This should include phones, door handles, children’s toys and keyboards. Warm water and detergents are best as disinfectants can make germs resistant to them.
This app is designed to protect you and your family by quickly identifying people exposed to
You can download the app via this link www.health.gov.au/resources/apps-and-tools/covidsafe-app#get-the-app
Dial-A-Doctor was formed in 2010 with a vision to provide quality urgent after hours care to patients in their homes. Ensuring we continue to meet this goal we are looking for medical professionals to join our family. DaD can proudly state that we have consistently met RACGP Accreditation requirements since 2010 and are currently accredited to the RACGP 5th Edition Standards.We have Doctor positions available in Perth and Geraldton. We are looking for GP’s, GP Registrars, hospital and overseas trained doctors to join our home visit team.
Due to our very competitive rates
(No gap fee) attracting more patients
Due to our experienced call distributors working to ensure you see the most patients with minimal travel
As well as all equipment, supplies and vehicle
Picked up and dropped off at home (or whichever address you choose)
Only work when you want to work
Times and durations to suit your availability and lifestyle
We have 3 experienced Medical Directors who can be accessed 24/7 for any clinical advice required on shift. They also support our doctors by providing monthly mentoring sessions of various topics to ensure continued learning. DAs are trained in CPR should an emergency situation arise.
Our doctors are paid a percentage of all billings. We are fully bulk billed meaning there are no, out of pocket costs (gap fee) for patients with a Medicare or DVA card. This ensures high call volume which in turn allows for good patient density, resulting in minimum travel.
Excellent remuneration
All equipment including Dr Bag equipment and medicines, emergency and suturing equipment supplied at no expense to yourself
Pick up and drop off for each shift at a location of your choice (home or work)
We complete all administrative tasks, including billing and required shift paperwork, allowing you to focusing on attending your patients and writing quality Clinical Notes on provided tablets
Various shift lengths with flexible working hours to suit your work/life balance
Quality onboarding process, assisting you every step of the way to get you on shift as soon as possible
General Practice Experience (GPE) – at DaD your working hours can be counted towards the RACGP Practice Experience Program (PEP) to assist on your pathway to Fellowship